Christmas already!! Where has this year gone? Another year of SHWI and the yearly festive meeting with pot luck supper and the famous quiz.
I arrived fairly early as usual to find the church hall buzzing with activity, tables for teams to sit around are being organised, as are the buffet tables, Secret Santa, and the area reserved for new members, eager to join our amazing girl gang. Great job Mary by the way, that cant have been easy! Rachel is flogging gin like there is no tomorrow, have we mentioned our fabulous collaboration with Mason’s gin, it is incredible and such a unique one-off thing to have in your collection. We all have a gin collection, right? I am almost loathe to open it because I don’t want it to get drunk haha, but I am sure I will make an exception and give it a try at least once over the holidays.
The hall is really filling up this evening with a few new faces in attendance, looking around nervously for a friendly face. Marilyn is doing her usual stellar job on the door and pointing people in the right direction to find whatever information they are looking for, and Maddie is stepping into meet and greet with the usual massive smile on her face and helping people to settle in. Before long tables are filling up nicely with a mix of regular members, committee and newbies and there is a really great atmosphere. Rachel and Laura do their usual necessary business and explain how the evening will run, and the programmes for next year are quickly being opened up for discussion, ps how great do they look, the programmes themselves AND the actual list of meetings is super exciting for 2020 and I think really reflects the diversity that SHWI has to offer. Pat on the back to Katy and the committee for all the hard work and planning there.
With the Santa face picture round up on the screen the queue for the buffet begins to snake so we all fill our plates and take our seats. The food is honestly so good! Laura’s famous noodles, teriyaki sprouts and spicy rice, along with all the usual buffet faves and a fantastic selection of mince pies and cake. I had two plates and I am not even sorry.
The quiz got started and finished amongst much frivolity and the winning team got their inappropriate Santa chocolates and goodie bags. One year I will get my hands on that goody bag, I need to pick my team more wisely………We gathered around the Secret Santa table and then drew the raffle. Can I just say that hamper was incredible, everyone has been sooo generous. I am just glad Di didn’t have to get that home on the bus, if you need any help finishing that off by the way…..just give me a shout. Also props to everyone who donated again to the food bank, I think we should be really proud of all our members’ generosity and goodwill at this time of year.
From what I hear there has been a lot of new member interest and who could blame them, as much as this is a very special meeting I think all our meetings are just as much fun, and I cant wait to get started on my third year. Merry Christmas you lovely lovely ladies, see you all in 2020.
Jane xx